Lucky Accident

My story is one of pure, honest luck. I had put off my mammogram for over 6 months. Breast cancer doesn't run in my family so mammograms were far down on my list of priorities. I do monthly self exams so I'm good, right?

A freak accident caused a lump to develop in my right breast. Knowing it had gotten too big, too fast to be anything serious, I still thought I should get it checked. My doctor, certain it was a cyst, sent me for a mammogram to be sure. Working in radiology for over 20 years, I knew something wasn't right when they took more pictures. It's nothing, I told myself. Before I knew it I was having ultrasounds and biopsies. It was what they found in my left breast that would change my life forever.

On February 18th, 2014 - just 2 weeks before my wedding day - I heard those words, 'I'm sorry but you have breast cancer." My husband is amazing. He just looked at me and said, "we'll take care of it together." His strength and our quirky humor has been a huge factor in keeping us positive. We didn't let it ruin our wedding day, everything was so perfect. Our battle began once we returned from our elopement. Brannon has been my rock, my amazing caregiver and the best husband ever.

There was a 3.4 cm tumor near my chest wall. I've had bilateral breast conservation surgery and after a particularly nasty post-operative infection, I have begun 7 weeks or radiation therapy.

I will be eternally grateful that I was spared in light of my stupidity, someone or something was watching over me. I learned that only 30% of breast cancer is genetic and 70% of cases "just are." Think about me. I am the FIRST and only woman in my family to have breast cancer. If you think it will never happen to you, I hope you are right. But, just in case, please get your mammogram when you are supposed to. Early detection is the key!!!!

Jacqueline Rolen
Carrollton, TX