Living and Enjoying Today

On July 20th, 2005. I felt a sharp pain on the outer side of my right breast. It felt like someone just shoved a pencil into it. I found a lump. My doctor sent me for a mammogram, then an ultra sound. I was told I should see a surgeon for a biopsy. The surgeon did a needle core biopsy. This result came back negative for cancer. The surgeon recommended removing the lump because it was constantly painful. He removed the lump and had it biopsied. The results came back positive for breast cancer. The lump was 7.5 cm in diameter and only 2 cm (the very back of the lump) was cancer. My husband and I took 3 days to cry and feel sorry for ourselves. After that it was time to fight and to live. I had a mastectomy (one of many surgeries), and then started chemo, (I became the poster child for side effects) . With the help of my amazing family and some great friends I was able to get through this and get on with my life. I was there when my son and daughter each married the love of their life and every day I get to tell the man of my dreams (in the pic with me) how much I love him. I now work with developmentally disabled adults and I love my job. I don't worry if it will come back, that is tomorrows problem. I am too busy living and enjoying today.

Beulah, MI