Listen to Your Gut Feelings - Don't Ignore

In 2007 I had my annual mammogram. They found something suspicious and I had a sonogram and was told it was a fluid filled cyst. I felt ecstatic, but deep down felt I needed another opinion. However, my life was busy, I was told I was OK, and no follow up of any kind was recommended so life went on.

Monday, June 9, 2008 was a life changing day for me. It was the start of the county fair, we had a 100 year flood in Illinois that hit us overnight, and I found a red spot on my breast while taking a shower. I thought it was strange so I felt it, and it was hard as a rock. That fluid filled cyst had grown from my rib cage out to the surface in 10 months. My thoughts were I didn't have time for this. It was fair time and I had to deal with entries, and writing checks. I let my better judgment take over and called my doctor and saw her that day. She did not want me to wait until August for my yearly mammogram, so off to a specialist I went.

Four weeks later after a mammogram, sonogram, and biopsy I started my first round of chemo. I chose to do a clinical study which I believe completely eradicated the cancer. After 12 treatments I then had a mastectomy which revealed all cancer was gone. After healing I had 6 1/2 weeks of radiation. Since then I've had a prophylactic second mastectomy, DIEP reconstruction, and am now 5 years cancer free. It takes a positive attitude, knowledgeable doctors, the support of a loving family and church family prayers, along with a belief in God. A strong support system is a must to live through a cancer diagnosis and I'm living proof that it works.

Please listen to your inner self. If I had, maybe it would have been caught at Stage 1 instead of border line Stage 3. If you have any question, get a second opinion with a Breast Cancer Specialist.

Mary Alice Schmidt
Marshall, IL