Listen to your body

November 2010 I was told there was a tiny spec on my mamogram - too tiny to do anything about. The results of the ultrasound were the same - too tiny, they would keep an eye on it, retest in 6 months. I remember looking in the mirror in December knowing something was wrong - I just did not feel right. In January 2011 I told my OBGYN and told him that I wanted the spec out. He recommended an MRI so I had one in February and it lit up like a Christmas tree. Went into surgery Stage 2 April 2011 - double masectomy- and came out Stage 3 almost stage 4. 11 Lymphnoids infected so they took 22 out. Thus began my journey into Chemoland - 6 months Chemo and 35 days Radiation. My Radiologist tells me that I had this for 5 to 6 years - you just don't become almost Stage 4 in a year. How does this happen to someone who has mamogram every year? Dense Tissue is how - women need to know this can happen and we need to listen to our bodies. My journey has made me a stronger better person - I am walking with God now and my life is so much better. Life is a gift.

Debfra Beonde
Huntington Beach, CA