Listen to your body!

I had my first mammogram at age 35. A small cyst was seen in my right breast but nothing that appeared concerning to the doctors. I went back six months later for another mammogram and there was no change so I was advised everything was okay and not to be concerned. In September of this year, now age 38, I was woken up by shooting pain two nights in a row in that same area only this time I could easily feel a lump.

After seeing my doctor and having a core needle biopsy, I was advised that I had Breast Cancer. Further testing has lead me to my current diagnosis of Stage 2A Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I tested negative for the BRCA 1 and 2 gene so the exact reason for my cancer is unknown.

I have had 8 of 16 rounds of chemotherapy and am doing good so far. Surgery will be at the end of April. Every step so far from all of the doctor appointments, testing, starting chemo to losing my hair has been an emotional roller coaster. I know that there is a reason (or even several) as to why I have cancer whether it be to strengthen me and my family or to give back to those in need by sharing my story. Some of the "whys" I likely haven't begun to see but one thing I do know is that my journey has already lead me down a path of great knowledge that I am very grateful for.

Please ladies, listen to your body. Mine saved my life by giving me a warning sign of pain. Without that pain I wouldn't have had another mammogram until age 40 giving my cyst 2 more years to do its damage. I stopped my cancer in its tracks and you can too! Awareness is key and remember that nothing is too small to get checked.

Cheers to a happy and healthy 2014!

Lindsay Griffin
Plainville, CT