Life is good

My journey in life took a drastic turn in April 2013 when I heard those dreaded words : You have cancer. Shock and fear immediately took over. Was I going to die? Who would take care of my son? Next, you are thrown from one doctor's appointment to another. This was extremely difficult for me as I had never been sick before. But as time went by, I accepted that this was what had to be done and I ended up meeting the most extraordinary people who encouraged me and provided me with strength. I soon realized who would take care of my son: ME!! Let the fight begin.

I am fortunate to have the best support group around. I work in a daycare with exceptional staff and parents who were right behind me every step of the way. My friends and family were simply amazing. Everyone offering hope,prayers and support that it was truly humbling for me. My parents, husband and son put their journey in life on hold to walk with me through mine. They were there with me for every treatment and all appointments, when I was scared they listened and encouraged me, when I wasn't 100% they were there to help me and they were there to enjoy new memories made because of cancer.

I was extremely fortunate to go through this experience with relative ease; the most difficult part having been the loss of my hair. I didn't stop working and would often finish chemo and take off for the weekend with the family. I had cancer but it did not have me.

My experience has made me grow and become a stronger more spiritual person. I wonder what I did so right in my life for the good Lord to allow me to live the rest of it appreciating everything around me.

So after 16 chemo treatments, 1 surgery and 20 radiation treatments, I am a SURVIVOR!!
Keep fighting and remember this too shall pass.


Brossard, Canada