Life is Beautiful

Christmas 2006 was a happy time. Our son came for the holiday. Happy days. . He then made a quick return trip in January 2007, before going back to work as a pilot. On January 19th, I was sitting in my G.P,s office being told it looked like I had breast cancer and I was to see a specialist asap. My son had left that morning,,to go back to work. I had not told him about the lump I had found in my right breast. My husband and I decided to wait until I had all the facts , a plan of action,before we told him. I needed some positive information, I did not want him to just hear the scarey news with no answers. So I decided to wait until after seeing the Doctor.
As I was sitting in the Doctors office ,our son was killed in an automoble accident.
There are no words to describe the next few weeks.I was living in a nightmare.If it had not been for my family and the medical people I dealt with, I know I would not have survived. My daughter in law was and is a blessing. She and I developed a relationship that was born out of deep ,deep sorrow. She saw me through my Doctor visits, surgeries, radiation treatment and blackest moments. We cried,we laughed (oh how we laughed.!!!) we danced and we shopped !!!!!! My journey has been bitter sweet. I have met some wonderful people, I now volunteer at the Cancer Clinic in our local Hospital. I am well and a survivor! I feel I have to go on, be positive because I have my sons memory to answer to. He would not have allowed me to give up.! . Life is worth living, its beautiful.

Kamloops, Canada