Life goes on..

I was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive ductal breast cancer in my right breast. I chose to have a mastectomy, because the cancer was found in several lymph nodes. I was afraid it would advance if I didn't remove the entire breast. I went through the chemotherapy, radiation, which I found to be the worst, and one year of Herceptin. I tested positive to the her2 onco gene.
I cried a lot at first, but then I had a change of attitude. Life is short, we all are going to die, some sooner than others. I said to myself, as long as I'm alive, I'm going to live as well as I can. I don't work, so I'm able to feed the birds and photograph them. It is a wonderful hobby and makes me thank God every day that I'm here and able to do this.
It's important, I believe, to have something that makes you happy , gives you joy, to get you through the hard times. I know that everyone handles it differently. But I'm not dead yet, and I chose to live every moment as if it's my last, because after all, it very well could be. Maybe not from cancer, but something else. Live today as if it's the last time you see the beauty God has given us. The flowers , the birds, the rainbows after a good rain.
That's all I have to say. My prognosis is good. I'm glad, but think cautiously. It's only been 2 years since my diagnosis. I have 4 years to take oral chemo, and Then I'll see if I'm cancer free. I pray that I am and will be forever!
Love life, hug your kids, grand kids, the dog, cat, husband, friends! I do !

Dee Belanger
Warren, MA