Life begins at 40!

I noticed an irregular hard ridge in my breast which was painful to touch, just as I was about to celebrate my 40th birthday, I left it a couple of weeks as I felt sure that it was probably nothing to worry about and would settle down soon.

I was diagnosed the middle of June 2010 with three lumps, 2 in the breast and 1 in the lymph gland. I decided to have 6 cycles of chemo first to shrink the cancer and an operation later. I am at this moment recovering from a mastectomy and lymph gland removal. It is likely I will need radiotherapy in the new year and another operation to finish off the reconstruction in 6 months time.

Before finding the lump I had suffered many colds and infections and really felt at an all-time low. I used to be so active, running 2, maybe 3 times a week, I had put on 2 stone in weight and stopped running altogether. I think that maybe these factors may have brought the lump to my attention quicker and saved my life! Breast cancer was not in the family and I had always lived a healthy lifestyle.

I have a caring husband whom I love very much and three young children, who have coped remarkably well, they are my inspiration! Life is now even better than before as being ill makes you realise not to take things for granted and not to dwell on trivial problems or people who feel sorry for themselves.

I am looking forward to a healthier 2011 with my wonderful family, friends, colleagues and neighbours who have supported me through a very difficult 2010!

Dudley, United Kingdom