Life After Diagnois

Life has a crazy way of sneeking up on you giving you news that you never planned for. Since my Diagnois I went from being really pissed at god and crying a lot. I suddenly realized I was wrong and wasting precious time feeling sorry for myself. If you believe that there is a purpose for each and everyone of us then you must take what is given to you and be thankful for it. I have had a wonderful life first as a young women and then when my children were born, life could not have been better. My girls are so precious to me and have made my life wonderful. They are In fact my reason for wanting to fight for everyday. There will come a time when my body will not be able to fight and that's the time I fear most, not for me but for my daughters who I do not wish to leave without their mother.
My mother was such an inspiration in my life and I had hopes for doing the same for my girls, and hope I have done that for them today. I really should not worry for they are wiser then there years and best friends with each other and they will be there for each other, since I may not be able to.
So my story is one to tell all that life is very precious and our bodies temples and we should take care of what we have and enjoy everyday with the ones you love most.

Diagnoised August 2012
Stage 4 metastic Breast Cancer

Shari Moceri
Sterling Heights, MI