Learning Patience and Dependence

Two weeks following my routine annual physical in October 2012, I found a large lump in my left breast. Fortunately my doctor took my concern seriously and got me in to be seen and sent to mammography ASAP. My mammogram along with ultrasounds not only showed the lump I felt, but also one in the right breast that I had not felt. I had 3 biopsies (2 on December 27th and 1 done January 7th) done as well as nuclear imaging (done January 4th) and was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ. Unfortunately, it also infiltrated my lymph node(s). I began chemo January 17 and finished April 25. I had bilateral mastectomy and oophorectomy on May 21 with no reconstruction. I had 15 lymph nodes removed and thank God only 2 were positive for cancer. Radiation began July 10 and ended August 23. My biggest learning curve was learning patience and dependence on family and friends. It was an adjustment after always being there for others and very independent, but by God's grace, love and mercy I accepted all the support my friends and family gave me, which was the best blessing and boost I needed to get through my journey with minimal and limited side effects from chemo and radiation. KICKING CANCER'S ASS BY GOD'S GRACE LOVE AND MERCY - thanks for teaching me patience and dependence!

Washington, DC