Learn to Dance in the Rain

On December 18th 2013, I went for my annual gynocologist appointment. During my breast exam, my doctor felt a mass on my right breast. She asked me "have you felt this before"? She guided my hand to the large mass. I was shocked to feel the mass, since I had never felt it before. She ordered a mamogram right away. After my mamogram, I required an ultrasound. The ultrasound results required a Biopsy. I had to try my best to stay positive as Christmas was only 2 days away. My Biopsy was scheduled for December 26th. I was scared as the Dr. performing the biopsy said she did not like the size, shape and change in by mamogram just 10 months prior. She said I would get a call the very next day. My boyfriend took the day off to be with me when the phone call came in. My gynocologist called and said "I'm sorry to tell you that You Have Breast Cancer". I felt numb.. the look on my face revealed the results to my boyfriend sitting right next to me. After hanging up..we both just sat there not knowing what to do or say.. we just hugged and wept. I asked myself.. "how can this be...I am a Flamenco Dancer and Zumba instructor.. Cancer does not run in my family".
I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcenoma, Triple Negative, Stage 3. After the initial shock and fear, I knew I had to fight..... I knew I had to beat this... I knew my hair would fall out. I asked my boyfriend to shave my head. I wanted to feel empowered to lose my hair and not let cancer be the reason for losing it. I finished 8 rounds of chemotherapy, lumpectomy and lymph node disection and preparing for Radiation in 2 more weeks. I am cancer free! To my son,boyfriend, family and friends..thank you for your prayers and support. Thank you God!
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to Dance in the Rain!

Becky Stokes
Whittier, CA