Laura's Journey

I am a Survivor and so is my family It was October of 2009 and I heard the words (you have cancer, breast cancer).. Why me? What did I do to get this? What about my four children ages 9, 7, 7, 5 and my husband? All I know is that I have to get through this for me and my family. My journey begins, October 30th 2009 it was one of the hardest days, I had to tell my children that I was sick, I had cancer. October 31st I has a double mastectomy. December 8th I had my first round of chemo and right before Christmas I lost my hair. It is now mid May of 2010 I am now a Survivor I have to take medicine for the next five years and have many scars inside and out, but with the help of my family we will get through this "together". I will never forget my journey and neither will my family but together we have a very bright and happy future GOD BLESS EVERYONE WHO HAS TO GO THROUGH THIS.

Laura S
Lenox, MI