Krista's breast cancer story

I was only 24 years old when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It all started when I was just 18 years old. I had discovered a lump in my right breast. From there they had told me that it was just a cyst and not to worry about it. When I was about 20 years old I went in again to have the lump checked out. This time they ordered a mammogram, ultrasound and a biopsy. They did the mammogram and ultrasound but decided from the results they were not going to do the biopsy. It was 4 years later that I would finally push myself to go in and get a biopsy done. I had noticed that the lump was getting bigger and I knew something was not right. My fiancé told me to go in right away and get it checked. I went in and they did the biopsy on a Thursday and I received the horrible news on Friday January 7th 2011 while I was at work. From January 7th till February 2nd 2011, every day of the week consisted of doctor appointments. On February 2nd I had a double mastectomy removal of both breasts with reconstruction. I also had 18 lymph nodes tested to see if it had spread. It did spread to one of my lymph nodes but it was only a small bit. I found out that I was Stage 2b cancer. March 4th is when I had to start chemotherapy. I had to have 4 rounds of chemo once every 3 weeks. Chemo is the worst part of all of this. It takes everything from you. Im also on medication for 5 years called Tamoxifin.Throughout all of this process I have truly appreciated life more than anything and I take one day at a time. Breast cancer didn’t take over me I took over breast cancer! . Please do not ignore any symptoms of any sort because it is your life and cancer does not discriminate. I am glad to say that I have been cancer free for over 2 years now!

Krista Mondahl
Waseca, MN