Know your breasts

Since turning 40 I started getting mammograms and my doctor always did a breast exam. Everything has always been normal. I did miss a couple mammograms, but still got my physical and did self checks. My doctor did lecture me but didn't scold since nothing has been out of the ordinary and there is no family history of breast or ovarian cancer. In August of 2012 I noticed the inside of my right breast felt different than the left. I didn't feel a lump, just different. I had my physical but my doctor didn't notice anything and I forgot to mention it. I had my mammogram and that came back normal and life went on, but the difference in my breast nagged at me. I kept telling myself if it was something the doctor would have noticed or it would show in the mammogram, so it must be fine. In mid December, that section started to hurt. At that point I felt something was wrong and went back to the doctor. She set up a mammogram and ultra sound. From there I was told I needed a biopsy. On January 15 2013 I was told I have breast cancer. I also found out that I have very dense breast tissue. Had I known that, I would have discussed an alternative to mammograms and pointed out anything different I noticed in my breasts. I cannot stress enough to find out if you have dense breast tissue and really know your breasts. Do not rely on family history and mammograms. Because of my dense tissue and aggressive cancer, I had a bilateral mastectomy. I'm happy to say that I finished very aggressive chemotherapy July 25 and finished radiation October 18. I joined a local support group and my family and friends have been great! Reconstruction will happen in 2014.

Jill Shump
Battle Creek, MI