Know your boobies !

I had a normal mammography 7 months prior to my Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma diagnosis. In the shower one day I said hmmm.... this lump feels different. (it had been biopsied 2 times already) I was going to wait the few months till my next mammography appointment but something told me not to. Thank god! I had a double mastectomy which also discovered DCIS in my "good" breast. I underwent 16 weeks of chemotheraphy. I am now 1 year out from that life altering cancer diagnosis. I am back to exercising, eating healthy and growing some hair. Hearing the words "you have cancer" are something no one should have to go through, but fight the fight and know it is no longer a death sentence. Life life to the fullest and know your boobies !

Saint James, NY