Know your body and be your own advocate!

I found a lump in my breast in May of 2009. After a mammogram and ultrasound and insisting that I felt a lump, they finally saw it. They then scheduled a biopsy, 3 days later I received the dreaded call... "I am so sorry to tell you, it is CANCER" - 41 years old with an incredible man in my life and 3 teenagers that I adored - there was NO WAY this horrible disease was taking the life out of me!

I had a lumpectomy where they determined it was TRIPLE NEGATIVE Breast Cancer which is a very aggressive cancer . I had an incredible support system. My husband, Carl, was (and is) my rock. When my hair started to fall out, he cried with me as he shaved it and told me that I was beautiful. He never looked at me differently, his love for me is so pure and amazing. I am truly blessed!

My family and friends were so incredibly supportive. I met a special girl through my "journey" who was on the same path as I. We are the best of friends now! After chemo treatments (which put me in Intensive Care), 33 treatments of radiation and another "scare", I am happy to say that I am cancer free!!! Carl, our boys & I try to live our lives to the fullest each and every day, and give thanks to God for all that we have!

My job involves business meetings with customers so I wear a wig and hat to hide my baldness. I had no desire for the sympathy and "poor you" looks. I cannot wait to ditch my wig and hat and be free again! Be your own advocate, know your body and enjoy this beautiful journey that life has to offer!!

Sheryl Ross
Hampden, ME