Keep praying fight the cancer and your faith

I was diagnose in July of 2010 of stage 2 breast cancer and it was aggressive my surgeon did lumpectomy on my right breast my lymnode is nov. Of 2010i started my chemo for 8 treatment after the chemo I was refer for radiation they scan me first and then mark the area that they will treat after that he told me to go for mammogram and the result was a lump on my right breast again the same spot so My surgeon did mastectomy.Another chemo again.I change my oncology for second opinion .I was survivor for 3yrs.on May 2013 Iwas hospitalized cause my boss I was disoriented they did MRI in my brain and scan my lungs MRI shows swelling in my brain it mesastisis and they did biopsy my lungs and found a tumor in my lungs but it was not lungs cancer it trigger my breast again it was triple negative I have to undergo for brain radiation for 10 days .now I go to cancer treatment of America in Zion.staff treat you good.the doctors are giving the right treatment for you. I'm not done yet with my treatment. Keep my hope and faith

Malabon, Philippines