Just the beginning...

My grandma was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 69. Because her mother also had Breast Cancer, I talked to my doctor and began having yearly mammograms. In Sept 2012 I went for my yearly mammogram and all was well. In December 2012, at the age of 40, I noticed a lump in my right breast. Because of the size and because my recent mammogram was clear, I thought it might just be a cyst and if I cut back on caffeine it would go away. I talked to my doctor and he agreed but, made me promise to return in a month if it wasn’t gone.

Pushing this to the back of my mind, I busied myself with work, school, and the birth of our granddaughter.

In July, while getting ready to take a shower, I remembered the lump. My husband felt it and asked me to go to the doctor. I said ok but, he wasn’t convinced. He reached out to my mom and sisters and together they convinced me to go to the doctor, who wasn’t happy with me to say the least. He ordered a mammogram and ultra sound. The results showed a 2.5 cm mass so, I had a biopsy and was told what no one ever wants to hear; you have cancer, stage 3, triple negative, invasive ductal carcinoma.

On August 23rd I started chemo. I’ve completed the bi-weekly A/C treatments and the first of 12 weekly Taxol treatments. The tumor is shrinking. As long as the cancer continues to respond I will have a bilateral mastectomy in January followed by reconstruction.

My grandma's a 9 year survivor and one day soon I want to say I'm a survivor too. I know this is just the beginning of my battle but, I will not give up the fight. This will not break me. God has been so good to me and continues to show me He is with me in this journey and my faith remains strong.

With the continued, positive, support of friends and family, I will beat this!

Jammie Sedwick
Albany, OH