Just do what you have to.

Hearing the word "cancer" is such a scary thing, but it doesn't mean that your life is over. If anything cancer has allowed me to live. I have been given a gift of knowing how fragile life can be, hearing that I had cancer opened my eyes to this gift.
I don't take for granted all the things I used to, I appreciate everyday I have. I was given an opportunity to see how much I am loved, how many people care for me, it is an amazing thing.

I don't sit around thinking about what COULD happen, I live in the now. Keeping a positive attitude is so important. Not all days are perfect, but I know that tomorrow will be better.

Having been diagnosed with MS and breast cancer both, has made me stronger. I know what I don't want to happen, so I fight to keep my life as normal as possible. Not allowing these diseases to take over is what keeps me fighting, I will not allow them to beat me.

There is a famous quote by Anne Frank that I find appropriate for my life, "I don't think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that still remains." There is still beauty left for me to see, so much more in my life that I want to achieve.

Having had cancer has made me a survivor, I think we are all survivors. We all have adversity to overcome. How we chose to handle it is what defines our character.

Genoa City, WI