Just diagnosed with breast cancer

I have no history in my family of pre-menopausal cancer. At 43, I went for my second mamogram. My physician felt a lump in my left breast. I had ultrasound and biopsy and it was negative. It was a cyst. Around, March I felt a lump under my left arm and assumed it was a cyst also. Around July , I started feeling tired after just running a 1/2 mile. Went to the doctor. I told him about my tiredness and he took my bloodwork. I also mentioned the lump to him. He felt it and said that it could be just part of my ribcage. He said just to make sure that I would get a diagnostic mammogram. I started getting colds easier. At work anytime anyone was sick, I would get sick also. That too was unusual also. I got a mammogram and ultrasound. The radiologists also found a lump. I went in and had the biopsy on both lumps. My doctor called me and asked me if I could come in. He said that the lump in the breast was benign but biopsy of the lymph nodes showed cancer. I think at that point I was in shock. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer on 11/26. Now trying to find the primary tumor in the left breast. I had a cat scan done and a suspect area was found. Had 2 more biopsies done. Went to my first appointment with my oncology doctor in December . All of the biopsies came back negative but since it has spread to the lymph nodes. She was going to start my appointments to start the chemotherapy. She also said that it may be inflammatory breast cancer. She wanted to do a punch biopsy to test. I am scheduled for my punch biopsy on dec 30. I sure hope they can find the primary tumor this time.

If you think something may be wrong, don't assume that it is nothing. Go to the doctor and let them confirm it for you.

Concord, NC