Just another bump in the road ...

Life hasn't exactly been easy, for me, for us - my 4 children and my husband. A series of unfortunate events, just kept us on an ongoing roller coaster ride. It was before my 40th birthday, last November, that I discovered a lump in my breast. Not wanting to alarm anyone, I simply made an appointment with my gynecologist, for the end of January and forgot about it. If it was to be cancer, it was just another bump in the road, which we would have to face, like all others we've endured.

The New Year came along, plans of making it the best year ever, were in the works. 2014 was going to be the year our lives would turn around for the better, so we thought. My gynecologist sent me right away to get a mammogram. Initially, my mammogram didn't show anything suspicious. The surgeon was ready to let me go home, but I insisted that he look beyond the mammogram images. He performed an ultrasound and found the mass. A biopsy confirmed it all ... it was cancer and a very aggressive one, but fortunately, it was caught on time and had not spread further.

The surgeon immediately put me in touch with an oncologist. Surgery came first, to remove the tumor, then I started chemo. Doesn't matter what stage of breast cancer you have, everyone gets the same dose, same treatment. It was horrible! Do not wish it upon my worst enemy!

Once chemo was done, I discovered yet another suspicious mass. I thought, is this what my life was going to be like, from now on? Always worrying if the cancer will return? I wasn't going to live this way. A decision needed to be made and so I made it.

In the next few weeks, I will be prepping for a double mastectomy and forever say goodbye to cancer and my 36 C - long boobies! lol

Life has never been easy for me, but I will be damned if cancer controls it!

This latest bump will soon be over!

I am so blessed!

Nina Wozniak
Lachute, Canada