Jan's Story

Believe it or not I cannot remember if I left my story here before but I had just been to the race for the cure and was talking to a chemo nurse that I did not know and she told me that i should share the story i told her.

My first chemo my younger daughter came with me. I had a port put in becasue of bad veins, so we're waiting for the nurse, here she comes she has this big blue apron on blue thick gloves of course hat and blue booties like she just came out of surgery. I looked at my daughter and said if she has to wear that what is going in my body, WOW I just realized You have breast cancer, as my daughter and I watched the red devil drug come down that little hose, when it reached my port all me and my daughter could do was CRY this is it I said to her, I'm on my way.

thanks for listening, Jan

Eastlake, OH