Jaime ' s story

My name is Jaime Cech and Iam a stage four survivor. I was diagnosed at age 34 with triple positive her2 aggressive breast cancer. By the time of my original diagnosis my cancer had spread to my lymph nodes and stomach and I was in for the fight of my life. My oncologist got together and pre paired our plan of attack. 12 rounds of chemo a double mastectomy and 30 radiation treatments to follow and a life that will be forever changed. I never anticipated CANCER or planned in advance that this would consume my life. A single mother of two girls and cancer wow! I started chemo immediately losing my hair and a feeling of self. I didn't recognize the face in the mirror anymore and the more poison(chemo) they pumped in me the weaker I felt. After 12 rounds of chemo I went into cardiac arrest. I was burned from the inside out because of a broken port. Shortly there after I had a double mastectomy and lymph removal. My tumor was donated for research to help future bc patients. I received 30 rounds of radiation to rid my chest wall of the cancer that remained and I continued with preventative treatment until my heart wasn't strong enough anymore. Through the storm I pushed and pushed to find that inner me again, the person Breast Cancer tried to consume. I realize through all the trials to never give up on life or yourself because anything is possible. Two years ago I was given 10% chance to live and today I'm stronger then ever and two years clean, cancer free and still the mother of two beautiful daughters who see me as a hero a fighter and a breast cancer survivor.

Jaime L Cech