It's worth the battle

January 9 2010 I was lying in bed talking to my wonderful husband, as I rolled over onto my back I raised my right hand and laid it on my right breast. ( I don't know why I did this only that it happened) That's when I noticed something different, I had a lump that wasn't there before. I was only 34 years old and I thought there was no way it could be cancer. I was too young but my past told me other wise. At the age of 20 I had cervical cancer, so I knew I better have it checked. I called my Doctor that Monday and he saw me the that Wednesday. At that appointment he didn't like the feeling of it and sent me over to have an ultra sound done right away. I went and had the ultra sound done and the wonderful person that was doing the test went to get her supervisor and he said it didn't look right and wanted to do a biopsy right away. So I got ready for it and I can honestly say that it hurt and I was terrified, and by myself because I truly was hoping the outcome was so different. The fallowing Monday I got the call at work that I needed to get the doctors office to go over my results. My husband picked me up and that was when I was told I had breast cancer. I couldn't speak, all I could do was cry. I was so scared I had 3 beautiful children and my wonderful husband. I went to see a surgeon and decided to have my breast removed. I than started chemo and that's when I decided I needed to have my other breast removed as well because the chances of the cancer coming back was very high. I also decided to have a full hysterectomy so that the cancer couldn't come back there as well. I am happy to say I am cancer free! It is worth the fight

Sandra Corbitt
Dolores, CO