It's Nothing- I'm Not Worried About It

Those were the words the NP uttered after 20 minutes of trying to find the bump that brought me into the office. I had found a small (very small) bump on my chest above my breast more towards my sternum a week earlier and asked my friend her professional nurse opinion, she said, "that needs to be looked at." So I followed her advice and called the office for a check. The NP told me I was pushing tissue over my own rib after she told me she had no concerns. I respectfully let her know I did not believe her and requested testing. She sent me on my way with a script for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. I scheduled both before putting my car in reverse in the parking lot. Fast forward a week- I had my tests and the radiologist told me to get dressed but not to leave the building. I knew my thoughts were being confirmed. They forwarded the results to the office and ironically enough the same NP had to call and tell me there was definitely something of concern. She asked me to remind her of it and I replied, "you told me I was pushing tissue over my rib- do you remember now?" She was silent. I had a biopsy a week later and was then diagnosed with stage 3B adenocarcinoma. Surgery- chemo- radiation later I am happy to say I kicked Breast Cancer's Ass! Moral-- be your own advocate!

Michele Hicks
Orlando, FL