its my life!!!

"Where's your hair?" That is the newest question I had to answer today to the sweet little 3 year old face staring up at me. I am 41 years old. I am the mother of 4 beautiful kids and I am a preschool teacher. Oh yeah and I have cancer. I was diagnosed on March 16th with stage 2 breast cancer and my roller coaster ride began. I was told they got everything when they took my right breast and that was good news. Then they told me I had nothing in my lymph nodes. That was GREAT news. Then they told me I had to have chemotherapy anyway...WHAT?? So much for all the good news. Now I am undergoing 4 rounds of chemotherapy (just in case) and guess what....I am still the mother of 4 kids going in 4 directions and a preschool teacher. Life has not stopped. People tell me I am amazing, I am an inspiration, I am a fighter. I dont know about all that I just know I have a life to live and live it I will. I am not special. I am not to be praised.......I am just a mom doing what she has to do. To all the other warriors out there...YOU are my heroes!! Together we will win this crime against life!! With love and support from family and friends, anything is possible. I have faith in God to see me and my fellow sisters and brothers through this battle!!! And the answer I gave that sweet child? I told him it was my summer hair cut....he thought it was a great idea cuz all my long hair was going to be too hot anyway. :) I love my life!!

Kim Olson
Plainfield, IL