It's Been Almost a Year

It's hard to believe that it has been almost a year since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. October 11, 2008 was "C Day" for me. It's such a surreal experience when the doctor tells you "It is cancer." Those three words started my journey. Not a journey one wants to take, but I knew I had to face it head on. I am happy to report after 6 months of chemo, a bilateral mastectomy and 6 weeks of radiation that I'm still here! I am doing great thanks to my wonderful medical team, my loving family and awesome friends. It was a long journey, but I've made it through. To any woman just starting "your journey" stay strong, you WILL make it. To all other women, please do your self exams and get your mammograms--- this is one "trip" you don't want to take.

Cathy Armstrong
Houston, TX