it's been 3 yrs...

Five years ago I moved 1500 miles away from anyone & everyone I knew. I wanted (needed) to start a new life, w/ new promises of a future.
I got a job I loved & met a man who made me laugh...ALL THE TIME!
Things were going so well for me, I was truly blessed!
I then found a lump, saw an oncologist who told me I had stage 4, non invasive breast cancer & I needed a radical mastectomy...IMMEDIATELY.
I thought I would lose everything, my man, my job & my apartment.
To my amazement, my man took such good care of me & my job raised money to pay the 2 months rent that I would be out of work.
My major (but vain) concern was not having anything to replace what they were right breast. I was a very thin girl & still considered new in this small town. There would be no way of hiding my new abnormality.
Again, to my amazement, a Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. G...who plays golf w/ my oncologist offered to give me a breast augmentation free of charge! It helped me through the cancer, the biopsy & the final surgery.
Breast cancer, in reality, taught me that there was still good in this world & God was not punishing me, but reminding me that good was there, sometimes you just have to look for it... by the way, that man & I were married a year later!
God bless to all who have been affected by cancer. Keep your faith strong because God truly is in the mix!
I am a SIX time cancer survivor, since I was 22 yrs old & this is the first time I've been cancer free for THREE YEARS! :D

Debbie McDaniel
Alton Bay, NH