It is NOT Hereditary!!!

I am actually sick of hearing about Family History. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 13 years ago this week at the age of 46.. I currently have a Living 86 year old mom, 2 sisters(ages 63 and 54), my Mom has 3 living sisters(Ages 91.90,82), I have 4 living female cousins on my Mom's side of the family(ages 66,65,55,50)etc, etc. NONE --I repeat NONE -- of them have ever had Breast Cancer------So I say again--- I am sooo sick of hearing about it being a heredity disease!! Everyone needs to wake up and realize it CAN AND DOES STRIKE ANYONE AT ANYTIME!! Recently on the Today Show Nancy Snyderman said if you don't have family history you could wait until you are 50 to have a mammogram--A MAMMOGRAM SAVED MY LIFE at the AGE of 46 !!!--If I had waited until 50--I'D BE DEADTODAY!

Kathy Drennen
Columbus, OH