It is a TEAM effort - ALWAYS perform self breast exams

I was lying in bed next to my husband and decided to perform a self breast exam. That is when I found a tiny area of my breast that did not feel "right". After comparing the area on my left breast with the right breast while trying to convince myself I was imagining the difference, my husband looked at me and said "promise me you'll make a doctor's appointment tomorrow". So, I did. The doctor said "I don't feel anything overly concerning, but let's put your mind at ease and schedule you for a mammogram and ultrasound". At that time, I was 37 years old and trying desperately not to freak out. I am a mom of 3 beautiful girls and 1 handsome son (who is on the Autism spectrum), so it was even more scary because I kept thinking "God, please don't take me away from my kids. They need their mom. Please." I had my mammogram and it showed NOTHING, just dense breast tissue. Then I had my ultrasound. The technician said put your finger where you think you feel it. I did. She put her wand there and found a lump the size of a baby pea. Can you believe it? I felt something that small. I was referred to a surgeon who said "You should be proud of yourself to find something that small." I was diagnosed with breast cancer on July 7, 2008. It was Stage IIIA because it had traveled to 4 lymphnodes when I found it. I completed treatment that included surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation on March 10, 2009. I would not be where I am now, if I hadn't done my part to take care of myself. Doctors and patients must work together. I won the battle and will win the war.

Chapel Hill, NC