It happened to Me

I never thought it could happen but in October 2009 I found a lump in my left Breast. I went to my regular Doctor and she set up a Mammogram. Sure enough there it was, so they did a biopsy. I had Cancer and I was so scared. I went in had a lumpectomy done. The lump was small and they found nothing in my Lymph Nodes. I started Chemotherapy and of course what I didn't want to happen did, My hair fell out. So I bought some wigs and wore a lot of hats. Radiation followed which to me was the worst part. I had my last Radiation treatment May 6, 2010. I was lucky to have such a great support team . My husband Craig was my rock. I never thought I would ever get Cancer, but then it happened to me. Now I know I can face anything.

Lois Schuett
Butte, MT