It doesn't have to be a lump!

Woke up and there was a stain on my night gown, I dismissed it! Same thing the next day, but on the sheets too, brown and hard. I soon realised it was dried blood so took myself to the doctor who sent me that day for a mammogram. That was a Wednesday. By the Friday I was having a carbon trace put in and the following Tuesday I lost half my right breast having it confirmed it was cancer! It was far back against my chest wall and only 6mm long having already burst out of the mammary gland, but there was no lump to be felt. After more tests, the following Tuesday they took my lymph nodes and found the cancer had moved already. I had two small children and a husband at home and a rough journey ahead. Radiotherapy, Zolodex, Tamoxifen and a severe spiral into depression caused by the Zolodex, I was able I beat it! I tell anyone who will listen, I am proud of my battle and the winning of that battle! I am different, I know now that somethings are not worth worrying about, and that I am stronger than I ever knew.

That was 10 years ago this July, and today I wear the pink ribbon tattoo on my right shoulder to remind myself and everyone else, it doesn't have to be a lump!!!

Adelaide, Australia