It Didn't Feel Like a Lump...

I was 40 and doing my monthly breast exam on 7/13/13. I found something in my left breast that didn't feel quite right, but it wasn't hard and it didn't feel like a pea or a marble. It felt soft and squishy. I told myself it had to be a "fibroid thing, my Mom gets those," and I didn't do much about it. Besides, I had an OB/GYN visit 6 weeks later, I would deal with it then. what could possible go wrong in 6 weeks?

I went to my check-up, she felt it and agreed with me, but since I was 40 it was time for a mammogram anyway. I went for my very first mammogram the next week. The technician said "Don't worry, 50% of all women get called back, so if they call you back it isn't anything to worry about." I got called back the next morning. They made my appointment for the Diagnostic Mammogram for the following week.

I sent my husband to work, they had told me not to worry. The next thing I knew, the mammogram was quickly followed by an ultrasound, biopsy and more mammograms. I was then being gently told that the lump and lymph node they had found looked suspicious and to call tomorrow for the results. How could this be? Cancer doesn't run in my family?

I barely made it to the parking lot before I fell apart and called my husband. the next day, 9/6/13, we got the results, I had breast cancer. The next four weeks were full of tests and appointments. I am a teacher so I started the school year and was on medical leave by the end of September. With every test came more bad news. Not only did I have cancer, but I had Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Things started to look up when I found out I was BRACA Negative.

Now, one year later, I have finally finished 8 month of chemo, surgery, and 35 rounds of radiation. I started this school year and I plan on finishing it!!!

Guinevere Morones
Mission Viejo, CA