It couldn't happen to me

Just another routine yearly mammogram. So I thought! In June of 2011 I was scheduled for my yearly mammogram, been getting one since the age of 40. This year was different, I was called for a repeat test. No big deal the tech probably didn't make sure the films were clear. I mean no family history of any type cancer ever. But that was not the case. The repeat films showed a mass at the 12 o'clock position. A biopsy was needed. Again I was sure this would all be a mistake and clear up this foolishness. We have no cancer history in our family! Now if you told me I was a diabetic, had a stroke or heart attack, ok my family is full of that. The biopsy revealed Breast Cancer. Scared, shock and paranoid don't even cover it. How could this be? Off for a second opinion to MD Anderson, they will clear this up. Their biopsy revealed the whole right breast was involved and mastectomy was needed as well as the saw evidence of lymph node involvement. Acceptance was difficult but "It is what it is" onward to plan the surgery. With my mindset being "losing is not an option, I will fight, I will win". And fight I did! The surgery was tough and revealed a stage 3 B Breast Ductal Carcinoma. Chemo and radiation over 6 month period was scheduled. Surgery was November1, 2011 and chemo began in December 2011. I finished with radiation and chemo in July 2012. It has been 2 years of Cancer free diagnosis and as I get ready for my next check up in 2 days I pray for the same cancer free diagnosis. This was by far the hardest thing I have ever encountered, but it has also made me learn to appreciate life and how blessed I truly am! Love and prayers to all of my family for seeing me through this. And to anyone newly diagnosed and facing this BEAST, I say you can fight, you can win!

Wanda Bauer
Winnie, TX