InvasiveTriple Negative Breast Cancer

I'm 34 and was diagnosed last year on the 3rd of August 2012 (my 10th year wedding anniversary) with triple negative breast cancer. My consultant said that I had caught it early so was suggested that I had a lumpectomy and have 24 lymph nodes removed. For extra precaution I had to do 6 rounds of FEC-T chemo and 4 weeks of radio, which I done. I then thought that that was me finished and I had won. While waiting for my 6 week check-up I found a lump on my neck. I phoned my oncologist who sent me for a PET scan which showed that I had a large mass and that while I was getting chemo other tumours in my neck were growing which meant that the chemo was ineffective. I then had to go on and have 5 weeks of radio in the hope that it would kill it off. While I was reaching the end of the radio I noticed that my breast didn't look right so again I phoned my breast consultant and she took a fan of biopsies and then I was told that the cancer had moved and was in my breast again. I started another chemo only this time it was a clinical trial which was 6 rounds of Carboplatin Chemo. I finished that on 12th of November and got scanned only again to be told that the tumours had grown not by much they were 5cm now there 18cm and had spread to my right side. I started Vinorelbine chemo tablets there on the 10th December and will get scanned again in February. I am a mum and wife with 3 children ages 12, 9 and 4 and I will continue to fight with everything I've got for them. I may not be curable but hopefully it can be contained.

South Lanarkshire, United Kingdom