Infinite Hope for Sandra

I am 38 years old and I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer. After finding a large lump in my right breast while taking a shower, I immediatly called my doctor.
After mammograms and ultrasounds, a biopsy was order on both breasts and under my right arm. It was determined that I had double breast cancer and cancer under my right lymph nodes. Ct scans and bones scans were ordered and done.
Upon meeting my Oncologist, He confirmed the worst. My breast cancer had metastasized. They showed 4 spots in my spine and spot in my liver. My liver was then carefully biopsied and I began chemo that following Monday.
I am on a 6 dose, 3 drug treament an I am half way there. I have recently finished my 3rd round of chemo and the tumor in my right breast is almost gone!!!
My husband is my ROCK! My parents and my sisters are my strong hold! I could not have done this alone. With the faithfulness of the God, the love, support and encouragment of my family and friends and all their prayers, this would not be possible.
This will be an ongoing jounery for me until I am cancer free!

Sandra Frank
Brooklyn, OH