in her words

A monster has entered my life.
I don't know what it looks like,
or how big, but it has come into my life in the blink of an eye.
It has left a path of destruction for myself and my family.
It is called cancer.
I am a 56 year old woman,
I am happily married for 30 plus years.
I have three grown children, a nine year old grandson and a new grandson on the way.
I live the typical life, so why me?
How did someone like me get breast cancer?
I often ask myself was it something I ate or drank?
What did I do wrong to get cancer?
I never thought I would be one of those people that other people would look at and feel pity for them because they have an illness, or they are a victim of cancer.
But as you read this, just know I don't want or need your pity.
Just because I have cancer doesn't make me a victim, it makes me a survivor.
I am going to to fight this thing until my last breath.
I will be strong in front of my family,
but please forgive me if I should break down once in awhile for I am only human.
And after my surgery, I will look in the mirror and face my fear of life without a breast, but be grateful,
because after all it is just a breast and not my life.
And when I start to lose my hair from chemo,
I will not be ashamed of my baldness,
I will show people it is the price I have to pay for my survival.
So please when you see me don't be afraid,
for I am just a woman.
Don't hold back your own feelings,
I can still give comfort.
Don't pity me for I will fight this and win.
Still be my friend for I will need arms to run to when I get scared.
And please don't give up hope for I will be here when they find a cure
RIP Denise Toth
