I'm winning my battle

I was diagnosed on 5th December 2012 with stage 3 Breast Cancer. I had a lumpectomy on 15th December and started my chemo in January 2013. I suffered a lot during my treatment and had numerous blood transfusions. I then had four weeks Radiotherapy. As my cancer was hormone related and I was having problems I had to have a full hysterectomy. The lumpectomy and chemo caused me to have carpal tunnel in both hands so have had to have both operated on and my Hickman line got infected and caused a blood clot in my neck so have been on injections for that. this last year has been one thing after another but my hubby, daughter family and friends have kept me strong. Today 28th January 2014 a year after starting my treatment I have had a check up and mammogram and have been told it's all clear. I am so happy and so lucky. The treatment I have received has been the best and everyone has been really strong and supportive around me. Just 5 years on tablets now and I can say I won :-))

Ella wood
Wolverhampton, United Kingdom