i'm s 14 year survior, hoping more good years!

I found out in April of 1994 that i had breast cancer. I guess it didn't hit me till after surgery, when i woke up in the hospital, I was told by my surgeon, that on the day of surgery, he was doing a biopsy, and if the results came back negitive,, i'd be going home by 3pm that afternoon. WELL,, when I woke up,, it was 4pm !! I knew then what i had and that i'd be spending the night in the hospital!! I was not happy,, but talked to the staff at the hospital, asked what next?? and proceeded with chemo, and radiation.. In 1995 I completed all treatments. I have had clear mamo's since then. I'm greatful. Now, I'm 60, working pt=time job, NO Insurance, and scared to death that something will happen. HEARD ON THE NEWS TODAY THAT SOMEONE SAYS THAT MAMO'S AREN'T NECCESSARY IF THERE'S NO HISTORY OF BREAST CANCER IN THE FAMILY!! Who thought that up?? I'm afraid now that some insurance companies won't pay for mamo's, now that this statement has been printed, and is all over the news, The statement also says that "self exams" aren't necessary, and also they said that some mamo's just put more burden on the person getting the mamo!! WHAT!!! My daughter found her lump, on her own !! She just found it this year, june of 2009. My girl friend didn't have breast cancer in her family,, but she had breast cancer 3 yrs ago!! WE NEED TO GET SOMEONE TO HELP US FIGHT THE STATEMENT THAT'S GOING AROUND!! WE NEED MAMO'S,, AND EARLY DETECTION IS THE BEST CURE!!! AND MAMO'S SHOULD BE FOR ANY WOMEN THAT WANT'S ONE,, NOT BECAUSE OF HER AGE, OR HISTORY!!!
june singer, thono, fl.

june singer
thonotosassa, FL