I'm Making My Way Through!

Hello my name is Julie and I'm a breast cancer warrior. 2 weeks before my 25th b-day I was diagnosed with breast cancer in both of my breasts. I was told that I only had 2 1/2 yrs at best. In October of 2014 I will celebrate my 10 yr survivorship mark. I attribute my longevity to my Lord, loved ones & friends who have supported and given me strength when I thought I had none left. I especially owe a huge amount of gratitude to my husband David. He has supported me through it all. 1 month after I was diagnosed he married me without thinking twice. He makes me feel beautiful everyday of my life and he is truly blind to all of the scars my body has. To date I have undergone 13+ surgeries. However, I don't see my scars as something ugly to hide. They are my battle wounds. I proudly show them because they are a testament to my strength and determination to stay alive. I also managed to obtain my bachelors degree in criminal justice while I was bedridden. I managed to stay on the Dean's list the entire time. I did this for 2 reasons: 1- I always valued higher education and my wonderful husband gave me that gift. 2- it was important for me to show my 2 boys that if I can achieve that in the state that I was in, then there is no mountain that they can't conquer. I know I will never be the same Julie I was before this and that's OK. I'm stronger and take nothing for granted. I've always been a rebel and I rebel against that death sentence. There is still too much I need to see and do. My boys need their mom and I will see them through to adulthood. Any time I get after that is just icing on the cake. Don't let breast cancer define you, you define it. Where there's a will there's a way. So watch out world, Julie is still making her way through!

Julie Garcia
El Paso, TX