I'm lucky

One morning while waiting for the shower to get hot, for some unknown reason, I felt my right breast. I went right to a big hard knot. I knew that it didn't feel right. I did wait a week before I called my doctor (thinking it was nearly time for my period so maybe that was the problem). Two days after I called my doctor, I had an appointment for a mammogram. That same day, I had an ultrasound and a biopsy. Two days later, I heard the words you don't want to hear "you have breast cancer". Well, I only had to have a lumpectomy and only two lymph nodes were removed which were normal. I am going through radiation now and should be finished by July 15th. I'm not letting this change my life. I continue to exercise and do everything I did before. I just want to say, get check ups and mammograms. Also, feel your breasts - I never thought I would feel anything and I never checked them regularly but I'm soooo glad I did that morning of March 8th.

Emily McReynolds Burnsed
Amarillo, TX