I'm gonna live to be 92

I am a 47 year old mother of 4 and grandmother of 2 and another on the way. These are the reasons that i will fight my hardest to beat this cancer. I was having pre-menopausal symptems and decided to see my general practioner for sensitive breast. After an exam she orderered an ultrasound to ease my mind. During my ultrasound the tech decided i needed more test so a biopsy was done on the spot. The following week my results came in positive for breast cancer. According to my mammogram though it was just a small mass in situ. No problem. My choices were lumpectomy or remove 1 breast. I choice to be aggresive so on October 22 i had a bilateral mastectomy. In the long run it was the best decision i have made. After my tissue was tested i ended up having a rare form of cancer and its stage 3. So, now i will have to have both chemo and radiation. My 1st chemo treatment will be next friday the 27th of Dec. I will have radiation when my chemo is done. I have already started my reconstruction process so hopefully if all goes well i might be able to get my implants within the next couple of months. I have been very positive throughout this whole process. I will not let this illness get me down. My gradmother was a breast cancer survivor and i will be too. She lived to 92 and i will too.

Lisa Fierro
Indio, CA