I'm a survivor!

Last year October 2012 I discovered a lump in my right breast. I kept putting it off and I wasn't going to make an appointment to have a mammogram but my friend Teenia convinced me to go. Another thing that convinced me to go was I got to thinking about my Mom who is also a survivor and so I decided to make an appointment to have a mammogram. I had the mammogram the end of October and got the call that confirmed I had breast cancer. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer and thankfully I caught it early enough that it didn't spread to my lymph nodes. All I could think was I'm only 32 how do I begin to deal with something like this. So, after several doctor visits, ultra sounds, and MRI's I had a lumpectomy in December and the doctor removed two tumors from my right breast. I got through the surgery and at the end of January I started chemo. The chemo made me very sick and I was ready to call it quits but my mom wouldn't let me give up. After chemo came the radiation which wasn't bad at all. Now, I'm doing hormone therapy. My doctors were truly amazing.

This whole experience has definitely made me appreciate life a whole lot more. My Mom has been with me every step of the way and I love her dearly for that. My friends and I were suppose to have a girls weekend the first weekend in November and little did I know they surprised me with a fun filled celebration of life weekend. We all were suppose to wear white shirts and take pictures and they surprised me by wearing pink and I had on white, it was truly amazing and I thank my friend Monica for putting together a great weekend. Everyone's support was very much appreciated but I would like to thank my friend Theresea as well. When somone is going through breast cancer having support is a must and I am thankful for my support system.

Nicole Hay
Summerville, SC