I'm a survivor

January 2008 I heard those dreaded words,"You have stage II breast cancer." I always knew my risk was greater than most & strangely enough,I was prepared. I accepted it & decided to fight it full force. Three weeks after diagnoses I had a double mastectomy with reconstruction. I had 19 lymph nodes removed & tested. Fortunately,they were negative,the cancer had not spread even though it was very aggressive. After 6 weeks of recovery the real fight was to begin,Chemotherapy.I won't lie,it sucked but I got through that too. Four months & eight rounds later I was bald & breastless but I was alive. I think losing my hair was the worst part for me.

Now, almost three years & nine surgeries later I am alive & healthy!! I had to have a hysterectomy since my mom had ovarian cancer & I tested positive for the gene. I feel great now, my hair is back & I am working again. To anyone going through this,you can do it! You are stronger than cancer!!

Toms River, NJ