I'm a better me!

When I got the word in Jan. 2001... I thought it was the end for me... The fear, the confusion of the disease and having to tell loved ones was almost more than I could bare... But through it all with the help of my family, friends and the Good Lord up above I'm still here.... Here to enjoy everything and everyone that means so much to me... I appreciate everything everyone has done for me over the years... While going through my treatments the hospital staff was absolutely wonderful with me... And when ur hair begins to fall out U wonder how will I ever do this.... And I wondered that alot... I went from hats, to turbins, to wigs and back to hats... Until I realized that this wasnt my fault... I didnt ask for it... It just happened and it happened to me.... So off I went with no hair and my beautiful bald head out for everyone to see... And u know what nobody cared nobody even noticed.... All they noticed was how brave I was and beautiful I looked... Because for the first time they really seen me and noticed what type of person I was... Hopefully I never have to experience it again and GOD keeps me cancer free... But I can tell U this is has changed my life and it has changed it for the better... It taught me not to worry over the little things and to alway live your life to the fullest and dont take everything for granite... Be the better person and help those in need... I love life and I want to live life and Thanks to GOD and the Breast Cancer Foundation I still can.... GOD Bless all my Breast Cancer Sister...

Pamela Brungard Kautz
Rote, PA