I'll Dance at my Granddaughter's Wedding

In March 2007 I was diagnosed with Stage IIIb invasive ductal carcinoma in my left breast, 4 months after a clear mammogram. I needed chemotherapy to shrink the 4" tumour before they could operate - complete mastectomy and removal of 6 lymph nodes. The surgeon said this was a very grave situation. I said, let's get going and fix it - I have a six week old granddaughter and I plan to dance at her wedding! I ended up needing radiation as well, and now, 2 years later, I remain in remission. I had a prophylactic mastectomy of my right breast a year later, and gall bladder removal in between, so it was a brutal couple of years! I was cheerful and optimistic throughout. Why not smile? There is no need to be miserable, no matter how I feel or what I am going through. Each day that I wake up on the green side of the grass is a gift! Now Julia is nearly 3, and I am completely confident that I will be dancing at her wedding!

Judy Mills
Windsor, Canada