I will survive

Hello to all I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer in September. I'm a 30 year old blac woman, no children, not married. It has been an emotional rollercoaster for me. I was diagnosed with they call DCIS breast cancer. It is only in my left breast. At first I had chose to have a lumpectomy along with 6 weeks of radiation. I wanted to do a genetics test to find out if I was a gene carrier for breast cancer because no one in my family had ever had breast cancer. While waiting for those result seemed like forever. They finally came back after waiting an entire month that I was not a gene carrier and all my tests came back negative. I was so relieved. But with me not being a gene carrier my doctor wanted to figure out where /how I got the breast cancer. I have what is called neurofibromatois. This is a condition that causes tumors to form on your body inside and out. It is a serious condition. This was the cause of my cancer. I have decided to have a double mastectomy because with neurofibromatois its not recommended for me to have radiation therapy. My surgery date is January 27th 2014. I will have reconstructive surgery as well. Im very blessed and grateful that I will not have to have chemotherapy or radiation. I titled my story I will survive because even though I have not had my surgery I know I will Survive. God bless to all my survivors. Thank you for reading my story.

Bedford, VA