I Will Never Give Up!

For a long time, I was in denial. After my diagnosis, I pushed away my family and friends. I wanted to be left alone. I refused treatment of any kind. Depression and anger soon overwhelmed me. One particular friend would not go away. Thank goodness she didn't. I am so thankful to her. I was the person who gave support, not the person in need of it. Not only did I fight the good fight for me. Despite the daily fatigue, nasea and hair loss the fight is worth it. More so, for my family and my friends, I will never give up. Each day is a new start. Currently, I am doing well. Since 2005, I have had no recurrence of breast cancer. I continue to take maintenance medication and have check-ups once a month and as needed. Remember to "fight like a girl" and stay in the race. No matter who you are or where you come from. Women, we must support each other.

Bertha Haskin
Glendale, AZ