I Will Get Through This

It was not a hoax. It was not a practical joke either. It was real. My doctor told me with a very calm voice, “The results are not good. It is cancer.”

I found lump on my right breast sometime in January 2014. I initially ignored it thinking that it was just a simple cyst and it would go away. I finally decided to have it checked and underwent a series of tests. The ultrasound showed two tumors and results show that it was suspicious of an invasive malignancy. I was referred to a breast specialist and was advised to go for mammogram and a biopsy of the tumors. I received a call from the hospital asking me to see my breast surgeon two days earlier than my original appointment. It did not feel right but I ignored the negative feelings I was feeling that time. I remained optimistic.

It was April Fool’s Day of 2014 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My life was never the same again. It became a turning point in my life that made me realize how precious the life given by my Creator is and I continued to be grateful despite my ordeal. Being human I do feel fear but the Lord has been my comfort and His peace reminds me that He is control of my life. I have never felt so loved by my family and friends. The outpouring prayers and support from them is just unimaginable.

I had surgery in May and I am now on my last cycle of AC chemotherapy. I still have a long way to go in my succeeding treatments but God has been sustaining me since the beginning of my treatment. God’s assuring love and joy is my strength. His Word is my constant source of hope and I know that with God’s help I will get through this.

Mary Eline Zaldivar Baclig
Singapore, Singapore